My 2023 “Goals” as a 2.5 Year Out Breast Cancer Survivor
Some days are riddled with anxiety, fear, and doubt, and I find it hard to even fathom much of a future.
But I refuse to let that ruin my present life and future state. Those feelings and thoughts can come and go but they will not control me.
I’m not one to create some big shiny New Year’s Resolution, but I am one to seek improvement, knowledge, and growth. Emotionally, spiritually, physically, and mentally-speaking.
I’m writing this post for self-accountability.
I know that by writing it down and sharing it with the world that I will have greater success.
But I’m also sharing this in hopes of inspiring others.
Now, one thing to note is that I’m not really focused on my desired end results. (AKA, I won’t cry if I don’t achieve every single thing perfectly on my list).
But rather, I’m focused on creating the habits that lead up to them.
I’m focused on the discomfort that is growth.
And the other unknown opportunities that will arise as a result of sticking to my plan.
Meaning, I’m going to show up for myself even when the days feel really painful.
Short term pain, long term gain.
If at the end of the year I’m not there yet, at least I’ve formed the lifelong habits that will eventually yield me results should I keep going. And I’ll have comfort in knowing I have made progress and healthy improvements in my life.
I know from past experiences that having too many concrete, high-pressure, time-bound, must-do-or-else goals that that can lead to disappointment. AKA when Cancer knocked down my door and my whole life changed and I went from the goal of buying a condo with my ex and moving across the country to just making sure I went for a 10 minute walk each day while on chemo.
However, I believe there’s a balance between high-pressure goals and ones that are too loose-y goose-y. You need goals that drive and inspire you. You need goals that really hold you accountable to growth. You need goals that push you beyond comfort. But at the same time knowing that goals can change or be adapted is important.
Look at those tan lines on my hands. I would make the worst social media influencer or whatever ever haha!
So let’s get these goals of mine out to the world:
I’m going to make more money. I have an exact amount in my head for this year.
I’m going to take a trip.
I’m going to work on my self-confidence.
I’m going to focus on my health (diet/exercise).
I’m going to read 6 books.
I’m going to level up in piano.
I’m going to complete my Intermediate French lessons.
I’m going to reduce alcohol by 90%
I’m going to save up and buy a few material things that I want.
(I do have a bunch of other little ideas and micro goals as well but I’ll keep those to myself).
So how exactly am I going to work towards these goals?
Make more money: by taking courses and improving my skillset for my current job and by initiating my own endeavours.
Travel: I’m going to plan a romantic getaway someplace local and save for a trip with my partners/friends someplace that requires travelling by plane.
Confidence: I’m going to make an effort of meeting new people and trying new things that scare me.
Health: I’m going to stay on top of my lymphedema, dental, skincare, eye-care, etc. by booking appointments and investing in updated supplies that support this. I’m going to cook from home the majority of the time (80-20 rule of clean eating and following IIFYM - “If it fits your Macros” style diet). I’m going to hit 10,000 steps per day while getting in some sort of movement each day whether that be yoga, weightlifting, walking, dancing, skiing, etc. And last but not least: I’m going to cut back alcohol by 90% (no drinks unless it’s a very special occasion i.e.: (my anniversary, me or my partner’s birthday)
Education: I’m going to read 10 pages of a book 5 days/week. I’m going to practice piano 1.5 hours/week. I’m going to study French 1.5 hours/week.
Materialistic Items: Buy a new car (doesn’t have to actually be new, just an improvement). Buy a new couch (again, doesn’t have to actually be new, just one that’s comfier and not riddled in cat scratches!) Buy a new TV (so we can move the current one into the bedroom— I know, “no TVs in the bedroom”, but sometimes you have to enjoy your Sunday morning and cuddle in bed). Get regular pedicures and haircuts/colours (without feeling guilty!)
What will these goals do for me and why am I doing them?
Money = Intrinsically: To provide peace and comfort knowing I can easily afford what I have/want, as well as allow me to donate and give back more. Extrinsically: This will feed into my Travel and Materialistic Item goals.
Travel = Intrinsically: To feel content and full of wonder. Extrinsically: To share more in common with others who have also travelled.
Self-Love = Intrinsically: To feel more confident, calm, and happy. Extrinsically: To make connections for business/social opportunities.
Health = Intrinsically: To feel at peace with my body. Extrinsically: To showcase my hard work to others through my body image and lifestyle and hopefully inspire others.
Education = Intrinsically: To feel more accomplished. Extrinsically: To open up opportunity in work and every day life.
Materialistic Items = Intrinsically: To make at-home life more comfortable. Extrinsically: To have a home that feels ‘complete’ that others enjoy spending time in too.
As you can see, some goals have very specific outcomes while others are more open-ended.
Again, I’m not really focused on the end results, I’m focused on the day-by-day habits and routine I’ll be creating.
In order to obtain or achieve anything great, you’re going to spend 99% of the time working toward it. That’s a whole lot of time! So in my eyes, I have to start seeing and believing this is true— that the real prize is the opportunity in which I can even fathom, dream, and work on these things each day.
To ensure I actually achieve these daily habits, I need exact action steps:
Money = I’m going to open an online shop (Etsy) and sell my designs in a variety of ways (stickers, journals, etc). Right now I’m in the research and design phase. I’m also going to invest in online courses on a variety of topics (SEO, Excel, etc.)
Travel = I’m going to talk to my partner and pick a date/time/location for our anniversary. I’m also going to budget and save toward a bigger trip in the Fall with a friend.
Self-Love = I’m going to join Bumble BFF and chat to new ladies in my town and initiate conversations and suggest trying out new activities together such as yoga, skating, painting, etc.
Health = I’m going to book my necessary appointments for the first quarter (and ongoing) for lymphedema (massages, sleeve fittings, etc.), dental, eye care, etc. I’m going to adhere to my self-made workout plan. I’m going to stick to my 80-20 IIFYM diet. I’m going to walk 10,000 steps daily. I’m going to drink at least 2L water a day. I’m going to take my supplements each day.
Education = I’m going to keep a book on my nightstand and make a reminder on my phone to read 10 pages/night just before bed. I’m going to put into my work calendar on a 15-minute break to practice piano every day. I’m going to make a reminder on my phone to practice French for ~ 15 minutes/day via the DuoLingo app.
Materialistic Items = I’m going to budget and save for the bigger items (with my partner). And I’m going to set aside money every ~ 8 weeks to get my hair done.
I’ve tried many planning/goal-setting apps and I find the simplicity of Todoist optimal for me!
Alright. So I think that’s it. Overshare? Maybe. But hopefully it helps a few of you get inspired and to know how to break down your own goals, and more importantly, habits that get you there.
That and I selfishly hope that by putting this out into the world that all my goals are achieved (and then some!)
Remember that just because you’re in a rough patch— be it cancer, financial hardships, relationship issues… doesn’t mean you can’t progress in life. You can still make goals, chase dreams, form better habits, and learn new things. You just might have to adapt (even just temporarily). And that’s okay.
Let me know your thoughts on this! What are your goals and initial action steps (that will eventually feed into habits) for 2023? I’d love to know! Drop a comment down below or come find me on Instagram @shestaysstrongblog
Much love. Let’s go crush the year!
XO Stephanie